Intuition: Hearing the Voice of Your Soul
Zoom WorkshopMake intuition part of your daily life! The voice of your intuition is your deepest, inner knowing of what's right and wrong for you; it's the voice of […]
Make intuition part of your daily life! The voice of your intuition is your deepest, inner knowing of what's right and wrong for you; it's the voice of […]
This class is designed for people who already work with Oracle or Tarot cards and would like learn how to give accurate readings to others.  We’ll discuss advanced card- reading concepts, […]
This 7- session workshop will help you recognize and develop your psychic ability and intuition and make them part of your daily living!  Everyone has psychic […]
Come out for a delicious dinner, some award winning beer (or non- alcoholic beverage!), and a 10 minute Tarot card reading! What can we cover in […]
The Akashic Records is a highly vibrating dimension that "archives" your soul's entire journey and all of its lifetimes. It serves as a record of every thought, […]